
I am finally on Instagram. 

I had long been a bit anxious about how Instagram would change my life. Would it turn me into a chronically photographing person? (though, there is nothing wrong with that). I had long limited my social media to Facebook, WordPress, and the occasional project-specific Pinterest binge. Beyond this, it also usually takes me a long time to catch up with things. In matters of social media, I’m neither the tortoise nor the hare, but the sloth. I like to think that the saying “get with the times!” was made for folks like me, pre-occupied as I tend to get with my yarn, my books, and my coloured pencils and inks.

Today, I let myself go down the Instagram rabbit-hole. I’m a bit overwhelmed, but very excited at all the beautiful work that people are sharing and talking about. Also, I love all of the ways makers use Instagram to document the doing of their creative work as well as all of the living that happens around it. I really relish it when people share the behind-the-scenes of the things they make. I hope to use Instagram to do more of the same with my projects, while continuing to post here when I’ve got something longer to say. 🙂

In the meantime, in a bit of a craft/social media frenzy, I found these crafty social media buttons (as would be expected there are Etsy, Craftsy and Ravelry icons in the kit!). I thought they were too perfect.

Happy Making!




18 thoughts on “Instagrammed

  1. Oh you can totally waste time on Instagram, it can be more time-sucking that Pinterest! I am on it but have stayed away lately and have not posted anything to it. For the short time I was really into Instagram I did start to become more “chronically photographing” and thinking – oh this would be great to post on Instagram. Of course I am always thinking “would this be a good photo for a future blog post”? 🙂

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    1. I hear you, Tierney! 🙂 The photographer-gears have started to majorly spin in my head, lol (thank goodness I don’t actually have a smartphone, or I think I’d be one there all the time). Thanks for your thoughts – I’ve been wondering how other people decide to strike the blog vs. instagram balance. In case you start posting to IG again, I’m a follower of yours!

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  2. I feel a bit like the previous commenter. I went a bit crazy when I was first on Instagram, but now I am really using it to keep track of my friends on my private account. The crafty public one is seldom fed, and I am no longer checking it every day. I found that seeing yarn pictures every single day was just a bit too much. I guess I am a sloth too, I am not on Facebook or Twitter. Social media is a great way to waste time indeed, but it can be fun if you use it sparingly. Thanks for the crafty buttons, they are really nice. And I will follow you on Instagram, even if I don’t go there every single day. Have fun with it !

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    1. Yes, I’m (rarely) on FB and don’t have a Twitter account, either. There are only so many things one can keep track of at once, I find. 🙂 I think the key is not to have the social media time cut into the making (and other living) time. Thanks for reading, and for the follow!


  3. Hooray! I’m looking forward to keeping up with all your makes on Instagram now too! I think I like it best of all the social networks – it feels less spammy than Twitter, and Facebook… Well, let’s not even go there. 😆 Happy snapping (in moderation, of course)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Likewise, Helen – looking forward, too. 🙂 I like the sleek visual layout of Instagram. It appeals to that side of me that likes pretty pictures neatly arranged. Also the networks seem much less limited by ‘Friends’ as on Facebook. And yes, a much less spammy feel! 😉

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